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Lifetime Achievement Degree

If your passion is special education or chemical engineering, a doctoral degree in a specified area is a crowning accomplishment. Obtaining a PhD or a doctoral degree is a rigorous procedure with huge payoffs. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, normally an individual having a doctoral degree earns 30 % more than somebody having just a bachelor’s degree. Due to the retirement of the Baby Boomers from post secondary teaching appointments and the development in technology, highly qualified workers are required in our workforce and universities.

Best PhD Degree Program for You

It is important to find out the PhD degree program, which suits you and your career objectives best. There is a difference between a professional doctorate such as a PsyD in Psychology and an academic doctorate such as a PhD in Psychology. Almost all academic disciplines have many doctoral degrees accessible that is why you should start your PhD research before enrolling in a doctorate degree program.

Besides, choosing between the EdD, DBA, PsyD, PhD, plus other alphabetic variations, it is also important for you to decide between a conventional on- campus doctoral degree and a degree program online. The Sloan Consortium notes that, a non-profit organization which advocates funds and education research online, enrollment of students online doubled to four million from 2002 to 2007. Because of more students embracing online education and good quality online degree programs becoming available, employer acceptance and university faculty have increased. In addition, over one-third of the faculty in a public university have taught a course online and over half advise them to the students, so it is undoubtedly a great sign when considering a career in academe. Although your career path might have needed a more conventional campus-based doctorate in the past, you will be surprised to discover that now you have online options available as well.

Additional Info on Doctorate Degrees

Guides to Obtaining Your Professional Doctoral Degree

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