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History of Doctorate

From Promising Beginnings to Doctorate Degree Online

For many years, doctorate degrees have been considered as the upper limit of the higher education. Doctorate degree offers a research-based emphasis on your selected subject as you learn in order to become a professional in your discipline. From academic degrees which take into account a lifetime of study and research to professional degrees which make you the authority of the profession you choose, doctorate degrees take on a superior scrutiny.

Nowadays, in the increasingly Internet-based era, doctorate degrees online have been able to bring this level of education to even the busiest individuals. Rather than needing sufficient funding for years of devoted studentship, obtaining an EdD, DBA, PhD, or other terminal degree can be done easily and doesn’t require you to put everything else on hold.

The Doctoral Degree

In Paris, the first doctorate degree was awarded in the 12th century. At that time, the major subject areas for doctorates comprised law, theology, and medicine. In the United States, the first doctoral degree was granted by Yale, which was soon after followed by Harvard.

Since those times, the number of doctorates has dramatically increased. Over fifty different doctorates were conferred in America, by 1991. By the year 1998, thirty-eight universities in the United Kingdom offered some kind of professional doctorate (rather than strictly academic doctoral programs). The following were among the most known doctoral degrees: