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Guide to Technology Phd Programs

Technology is dynamic and keeps changing at neck-breaking speeds. Computers have gone from behemoths to handheld, while becoming more powerful and faster. The field itself has diversified and grown like the technology itself. Getting to be referred as a guru in this field which keeps changing is no mean feat. However, getting a doctorate, you are well equipped with skills that will keep you at the expert level and help you rise up the ranks in your career. Look at the various fields as well as the degrees available in technology.

PhD, DCS, or DBA in Computer Science

Generally, there are three doctorate degrees in computer science:

  • A PhD in Computer Science requires commitment and concentrated study. Those pursuing this PhD concentrate in exploration and deep research in a specific topic. Research duration spans for six years. Once you are conferred with your PhD in Computer Science, you are distinguished as a world class expert in your area of study.
  • A DCS or Doctor of Computer Science is typically a research doctorate degree. Towards the end of the degree, intensive research is a must for developing a final dissertation. The thesis may be in line with information systems management or computer theory. People seeking a DCS usually have two things in mind: to make practical use of their research as well as informing.
  • A DBA or Doctor of Business Administration Computer Science is the study of computer science with the intent of solving problems in the business realm. While researching for a DBA in Computer Science via a graduate program you may combine several areas of study related to systems management, network administration or software development.
  • Each specific computer science doctorate degree program addresses varied aspects in the exploration of particular computer fields. Reflect upon your specific goals as a doctoral student in order to fully understand the amount of commitment and ramifications. You can find doctoral programs at graduate schools or internet based education where you earn your PhD online.

PhD in Information Systems Security

In the contemporary society, there is great need for information security in order to safeguard people, their businesses and the government as a whole from sabotage or destructive internet hackers that strive to invade information systems in order to corrupt, sell or steal sensitive data. Advantages arising from acquiring your doctorate in information systems security include:

  • A PhD in Information Systems Security may grant you the chance of working in Homeland Security by developing measures to protect the quality of information of federal computer networks and systems.
  • It can also open avenues into the business and private sector by equipping you with knowhow of formulating strategies and systems procedures that protect computer databases and sensitive information from illegal access by hackers.
  • A doctorate degree in computer information security may be ideal for landing a job at software development firms in devising programs for commercial use that safeguard computers from infiltrations that may compromise data security.

Computers are used in virtually every facet of our day to day lives. That said, computers are vital in running businesses, communications and storing personal data. Individuals with doctorates in information systems security are usually placed at the forefront of protecting these valuable assets by managing computer security programs and departments.

DM or DCS in Information Systems

Doctorates in information systems are in two strains: DCS in Information Systems and DM in Information Systems.

  • DM – A Doctor of Management degree in Information Systems is ideal for people who have the intention of administrating the running of information systems. The key courses studied include: design and management, organizational analysis, and the theory of running an effective organization.
  • DCS – Doctor of Computer Science in Information Systems is a research doctorate degree. People pursuing this certification write up their dissertations on information systems management. The resulting papers are channeled towards practical implementation and not mere theory.

Careers and Practical Uses of Your Doctorate in IS

An information system is the grease that oils data dispersal and retrieval. Organizations and businesses are always seeking better ways of storing and managing vital information so that they operate smoothly.
A doctorate in information systems will allow you to get instant employment in high positions of any organization. Between 2006 and 2016, information system manager positions will be very good, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Doctoral degrees in information systems can be earned in both traditional and online PhD distance graduation education schools.

PhD in Information Technology

Over the past five decades, IT has literally exploded with the advancements of computer hardware, networking systems, and storage mediums.

A PhD in Information Technology would come in handy if you have an interest in academic research or simply want to advance your career. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics estimated that IT jobs would double in the ten years between 1998 and 2008. This came to pass and can still be felt. Some people feel like this estimate was too narrow since the growing demand for IT professionals hasn’t ceased.

Different Venues to Earn Your PhD in Information Technology

Professionals currently in the IT field usually work for long hours and would need a lot of flexibility to advance their education to PhD level in IT. They can therefore opt for online doctorate degree programs which are a viable option for them since they will be able to schedule for class when they are free.

DBA or PhD Computer Data Security

It is very rare for a month to pass by without news reports on television announcing security breaches in computer information security owing to a backdoor access to a company’s database or lack of firewall or encrypted passwords. Getting your DBA or PhD in Computer Security can allow you to work for very high level jobs in computer security.

Implement Security Measures and Head New Programs

With a PhD in Computer Security, firms that require effective strategies in preventing unauthorized access, information leaks and cyber attacks to data may be more than willing to hire you to make and implement policies and solutions. There are very many courses that you can access, either online or on campus. The option or mode of study you decide on should highly depend on your availability as well as your particular needs.

PhD in Technology Management

Albeit the primary reason of establishing an entrepreneurial venture is profit making, managing available technology in order to run commerce or operations in an economical and effective way is also necessary. Those who earn their PhD in Technology Management can assist organizations, government and companies to generate and implement strategies to utilize technology appropriately.

Bringing Computer Systems and Software to the 21st Century

A PhD in Technology Management can assist industries to think twice on how available technology is being administered and if the systems need to be upgraded to avoid technological obsolescence. This particular expert degree will give insight and solutions to such issues. As is the case with most doctorate programs, you can get it your PhD in Technology Management online or on-campus.

PhD in Technology Education

Every half-decade, human knowledge doubles, according to expert reports. As interventions and technology increases, this figure may be too modest. Individuals that can communicate and teach about the uses, advances and ramifications of a people that are becoming too dependent on computers are highly sought after by educators.

Acquiring your PhD in Technology Education can get you a position in corporations, teaching and organizations that need assistance in the field of educating students, staff or the public.

Online Doctorate Degrees and Traditional Campus PhD Programs

PhDs can be completed traditionally or through distance learning using the internet. Online programs are ideal for working professionals who are too busy to attend a traditional college. Essentially, there is no better mode of education between traditional and online. Your decision should be based on your career goals and needs. Conduct of research prior to enrolling into any college is necessary to ensure quality that meets your standards.