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AP Programs and Examinations

In the following AP Central’s section, information can be accessed regarding the taught courses. One can discover the official descriptions of AP Course, example syllabi, as well as the Home Page relevant to every AP course. Examination questions extracted from past AP courses can further be explored. New Developments in AP testing are happening 2011/2012.

The Study Courses

This Program presently provide over thirty courses within numerous subject fields. Every course is designed by a team having the faculty of college and AP instructors as its members, and involves the width of knowledge, abilities along with assignments present in the equivalent college program or study course.

Greatly competent high school instructors efficiently teach these courses by using the descriptions of AP Course for guidance. The Course Details for all disciplines revolve around the course material, describing the subject’s curricular objectives as well as providing example questions for exams. Tough the Course Details are quite a noteworthy source of knowledge regarding the course material which forms the basis of the AP Exams; AP instructors possess the flexibility of specifying the way this material is demonstrated. Made available the academic year’s spring prior to the teaching period of the course, the Course Details/Descriptions are made obtainable in this AP Central’s segment, together with a course viewpoint produced by a knowledgeable AP instructor. The developed perspectives reflect the individual opinions and teaching manners of the particular writers; though, it’s expected that they will serve as a source of motivation for other instructors.

The Examinations

These exams are managed on a yearly basis in the month of May and reflect the conclusion of the work accomplished at the college-level within a specified area in a school setting of secondary level. Carefully designed by college committees in addition to faculty at AP high school, these Exams are aimed at testing the capabilities and performance of students at the level of college.

Development Committees have meeting all through the year for developing fresh exams, each comprising of a free-reply segment (essays /solutions to problems) and an area of MCQs. (AP Studio Art is the sole subject which doesn’t observe the format, being a portfolio evaluation.) The exams for world language further contain a speaking section, while the exam for AP Music Theory contains a sight-singing job. The computer scores the MCQs, whereas the free-response sections are assessed by a group of experienced college instructors and high school educators who have meetings on an annual basis for scoring examinations in the particular subject field. The participation of faculty of college at every level of progress and scoring of exams makes sure that these Exams really represent college-level accomplishment. Students performing fine can earn course credit/ highly developed standing at various universities internationally.

This examination is meant for students in High School who want to earn college credit. These students need to be enrolled in AP classes to take these exams. The AP exams are considered to be more difficult than the CLEP exams.

Tests are available in the following areas:

  • Art
  • History
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Computer Science
  • Economics
  • English Literature & Composition
  • Environmental Science
  • European History
  • French Language
  • French Literature
  • German Language
  • Government & Politics
  • Human Geography
  • Latin Literature
  • Physics B
  • Physics C – Electricity & Magnetism
  • Physics C – Mechanics
  • Psychology
  • Spanish Language
  • Spanish Literature
  • Statistics
  • Studio Art
  • US History
  • World History

The College Board Advanced Placement Test Web site. (