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Adults Taking up Continuing Learning

Over ninety-two million adults took part in adult education in the year 2001, as per the United States Department of Education. What’s more, the number of adults returning to school has grown by 6 % from the year 1995 to 2001.

How come more adults are going back to the class room? A major reason more adults are returning to school is adjusting in the changing labor market. As outlined by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there has been a sharp decline in the manufacturing sector recently. Average yearly employment in manufacturing has fallen from seventeen million in the year 2000 to somewhat over fourteen million in the year 2004. In the mean time, employment in sectors based on service, like hospitality and leisure, health services, and education has increased at high rates since the year 1995.

Education is Crucial for Getting Higher Income

Adult education also provides an easy method to boost the earning potential of a worker. An Individual with a high school diploma or GED attained about 25 % in excess of high school dropouts in the year 2002. Moreover, median weekly salaries of men having bachelor’s degrees were around $1,100 whereas individuals with only associate’s degrees gained below $800 throughout the same period. Similarly, women having college degrees obtained about one third more than the women with just high school diplomas.

In accordance with the Department of Labor, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, people in the United States switch jobs almost ten times throughout their working life. Although the career changes that most people make is hard to measure, the increase in the volume of adults returning to school might be a sign of more and more career changes.

Returning to School is very simple

Education is increasingly becoming available and convenient to the adult students. An increasing number of universities and colleges are providing professional seminars and classes on weekends and nights, for accommodating the working adult students. More and more universities are providing popular online courses. The web has succeeded in bringing the classroom to the home, offering the chance for the working individuals with families, to acquire new credentials and skills and not having to go to an on-campus college setting.

Nevertheless, it seems like that numerous adult Americans might be returning to school to master skills which have higher demand, and that might also result in better job security plus a more gratifying career.