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Business Majors

Business schools nurture graduates to meet the real world – its best and its worst. They achieve this by equipping the students with analytical skills to know exactly which problems cumber the real world. Undergraduates are required to research and undertake case studies of the extremely successful businesses as well as the highly unsuccessful ones which have gone down the history books of business. Graduate business students usually work in groups which come up with mock business enterprises. Some of these pilot enterprises end up becoming giant blue-chip companies. These specialists usually undertake online classes periodically so that they earn promotions or increase their skill-set.

Majors in business can either become general professionals or specialize into specific fields. They get to become critical and consistent in the way they invest, shape society, and serve their clientele since they are forged by the fundamentals of the business world – accounting, economics and finance.

Also, business majors take elective courses apart from the course specialty ones. This exposes them in a manner suitable for shaping their career paths by gaining a wealth of information pertaining to specific industries e.g. Technology and agricultural. Most, if not all institutions, equip business students with knowledge in history, culture and ethics in a bid to broaden their mindsets and steer their business decisions in the proper directions.

What jobs are hot in business?

Accounting still scoops the highest position in hot jobs under the business fraternity. Accounting scandals notwithstanding, like Enron and WorldCom, businesses of all sizes require well-trained accounting personnel. Accountants and auditors alike either work in house or as outside consultants in order to keep a keen eye on books and ensure that businesses uphold their ethics.
Corporate security and financial management specialists under the business umbrella are also guaranteed of jobs in the highly competitive job market on completion of their degree programs.
International Business is another viable option under business for those who enjoy learning about cultures of other nations as well as possess unshakable love for the conduct of business. An upsurge in demand for international business specialists could be attributed to the sudden growth in global trade. This is an ideal job niche for people who can stand adventure and have a propensity for being random – waking up in New York to doughnuts and having sushi for dinner in Tokyo – all for the love of business.

Those who decide to take marketing and sales as their specialization must understand and hone negotiation skills so that they may earn good commissions. Good sales people (of products and ideas) should be able to use their skills to reel in clients irrespective of the market trend of the particular commodity they have to offer. The survival of any business is very dependent on the drive of its sales team. Sales and particularly direct sales, is a demanding career, thus your talents may be well directed towards creating adverts, mass media campaigns and the like.

Today, Americans take a proactive role to insure their financial security unlike the past. This is because our ancestors largely depended on pensions from their employer hence lack of independence in a way. Financial planners usually advise their clientele on how to accrue wealth while still living a comfortable life.

Why should you consider a college major in business?

Anybody can get into business provided he or she is pursuing or has previously pursued a degree in business. It doesn’t matter whether you’re fresh from high school or already successful in another career; with proper business studies, you can be a success.

Younger students who enroll in business schools can start their careers at a higher notch. Graduates from business schools usually leap into managerial positions in organizations and thus work long hours and are involved in a lot of travel. Such well read personnel usually set a magnificent track record which makes them an authority in their fields.

Online College Courses in Business

Online BA degrees are generating a buzz in almost every profession. Specialists established in other fields have discovered that coupling a business degree with their life experience is a great plus to their credentials guaranteeing promotions almost instantaneously.

What kinds of candidates make the best business majors?

Business majors should have a fighting spirit because unlike other majors where students earn knowledge and transfer it onto paper, business programs make students to work to earn credit since it seamlessly combines theory and practical evaluation. Practical evaluation takes the form of business plan mockups, model business competitions etc. Business majors should naturally have that thing at the back of their minds pushing them to be winners!

The people in charge of admissions in business schools look for candidates who possess critical thinking abilities, mathematical skills and a good functional experience with computers and popular software programs.

In a bid to avert business disasters, some schools have begun screening applicants based on ethics and morals. Some admissions officers even go to great lengths such as purposefully leaving their wallets and credit cards in college restrooms as a measure of honesty.

What can you expect from our Guide to Business Majors?

Explore our comprehensive list of business majors and its various specialty fields. As you look for a suitable field, our profiles will disclose advantages, requirements, where to get online business degrees among other vital considerations.

Find your major in business . . .

  • Taxation Major
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Restaurant Management
  • Public Administration
  • Project Management
  • Nonprofit Management
  • Marketing Major
  • Management Major
  • Leadership Major
  • Labor Relations Major
  • International Business
  • Industrial Management
  • Human Resources
  • Hospitality Management
  • Forensic Accounting
  • Financial Planning Major
  • Financial Management
  • Finance Major
  • Entrepreneurship Major
  • E-Commerce Major
  • Construction Management
  • Communications Major
  • Business Major
  • Advertising Major
  • Accounting Major