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The Five Online Study Success Factors

It is possible to pursue a college degree or professional certificate from your own home, while at sea, or indeed from any remote workstation thanks to online education. The virtual learning concept allows returning students to continue their studies without neglecting career and family. Successful e-learning takes a considerable degree of self-discipline, but learning through telecommunication is ideal if you have the right computing and network expertise and e-savvy skills of study.

Technically Speaking

As a requirement, when cyberspace becomes the classroom, students must be at ease with course technology.

  • Course content may be delivered by Internet, video, audio, or in print, thus all class components should be tested before the term starts.
  • Technical support should be accessible to the participants at all times.
  • Hard copies of course literature should be kept in a binder, be it the lectures, exams, office hours, or discussion groups.

Prepare Yourself

Bringing the classroom with you, whether at home or the berthing space can be quite challenging. So as to accord the learning process the seriousness it deserves, avoid distractions from your family or workmates. Essentially, you need to create an environment conducive to your excellence in study. In this respect, you need:

  • A quiet space where friends and roommates cannot interrupt you. If need be, study at night or get daycare for as much time as the course curriculum demands.
  • While your classroom is virtual, the reality is that success demands discipline. Thus, ignore any distractions to avoid getting sidetracked.
  • Acquire textbooks beforehand and survey the course outline before school begins.

Time Manager

Efficiency in planning out your time can separate excellence and failure when you combine education with family and work.

  • Regular periods should be set aside throughout the week for your course study. An actual schedule can be instructive for this purpose.
  • Design a coursework timetable. Assignments and deadlines can be listed on a calendar. These can then be checked off as you finish them. As a rule, avoid procrastination.
  • E-learning coursework takes an equivalent duration to that of regular classes. Allocate two hours of study per week for every credit. Do not enroll for more units than you can manage.
  • Make a “to-do” list for prioritizing tasks as per their demand: X on Monday, Y next week, and Z to be attended to later. Accustom yourself to saying no to less urgent requests for your time.

E-Savvy Studying

E-learners should customize traditional study habits and evolve their study skills to suite the online classroom.

  • Regular study time should be inclusive of short breaks to refresh and ensure your concentration span is not lost.
  • Using an efficient study system, analyze your course information. The PQR3 reading method betters your understanding and subsequent retention of information by previewing, questioning, reading, reciting, and reviewing as you study.
  • Regular participation enhances learning. Keep in touch with your lecturers, make use of discussion boards, and form a study group with your course mates.
  • Independent learning means that you study conveniently; not that you’re alone. Ask for assistance when in need, exchange tips and build a network with adult learning communities available online.

Family and Work Matters

Communicate and collaborate regularly with your employer and family members. With their support, your chances for success are greatly improved.

  • Ease your workload. Arrange beforehand to reduce your duties or share chores.
  • Avail two hours every weekend for loved ones and friends.
  • Be dynamic, but think ahead. Deadlines may end up making reading for an exam impossible.

Thanks to e-Learning, your dream is just a click away.