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Grand Canyon University

Grand Canyon University

Founded in 1949, Grand Canyon University quickly developed into a teacher education college, and soon formed other exceptional programs in the sciences, nursing, business, music, Christian studies and the arts. As the city of Phoenix expanded around Grand Canyon University, the University grew along with the city to become one of the premier metropolitan private universities in the nation. Grand Canyon University consistently maintains its tradition of excellence in all disciplines, and preserves that exceptional tradition in its online programs, which began in 2000.

About the Ken Blanchard College of Business

With the convenience of online education and the advantage of campus life, The Ken Blanchard College of Business at Grand Canyon University offers a unique opportunity for varied academic experiences. Every program within The College is available as an entirely online degree; yet, if you desire to live and learn on campus, know that your program is likely offered on the ground campus as well. The Ken Blanchard College of Business espouses the same values in servant leadership, innovation, and entrepreneurial spirit as its renowned namesake, Ken Blanchard.

If you are driven to pursue a higher standard of success and require flexibility in your schedule to get there, Grand Canyon University is the right choice for you! With an online and campus-based enrollment of more than 34,000, GCU emphasizes individual attention for both traditional undergraduate students, as well as the working professional. With our cutting-edge curriculum, you will gain the real-world experience you need to succeed in today’s global marketplace.

The College of Nursing and Health Sciences partners with National Heart Association

The College of Nursing and Health Sciences is proud to offer top-tier medical online and campus-based programs that encourage real-world engagement. The school recently announced a 3-year partnership with the American Heart Association to sponsor the “Go Red For Women” awareness campaign. Heart-friendly campaign activities include an art competition for prizes, healthier lunch options in the Students Union and the Celebration Wall honoring lives impacted by this disease.

Promoting awareness of America’s #1 killer is just one example of how Grand Canyon University maintains its high-caliber standards of servitude, leadership, lab training and healthcare innovation. In addition, it boasts one of the only curriculums to use human cadavers, making it a respected name to employers and prestigious universities nationwide.

How It Works

Angel Technology

At Grand Canyon University, we strive to make your online experience as seamless as possible. All of our courses use Angel technology, which means you will have a consistent format in each of the classes you take. At the start of each course, you will enter an Angel tutorial to familiarize you with the online structure. In your account, you will have access to everything including your course syllabus, staff information, as well as discussion boards and a digital drop box, where you will “turn in” all of your assignments.

For each course you are enrolled in, you can plan to invest 10-12 hours per week. Interaction is asynchronous, so you sign on, respond to message boards, and see professor notes, all on your time and at your own convenience.

In the Classroom

You will spend your time performing various tasks such as writing, reading, responding to others in online discussion groups, working on projects, or researching. Students take two courses each sixteen-week semester — divided into eight week segments. Courses are focused. Each class is structured so that you only take one at a time. We believe that concentration on one class at a time affords you time to take maximum advantage of each lesson. New classes start every two months.

Exams will be taken electronically through the Angel system. However, most courses use alternative methods of assessment, such as portfolios, research papers and projects.

All of Grand Canyon University’s online courses are uniquely tailored to meet your needs. Our professors work hard to create an optimal online learning environment. That means you get feedback and have the opportunity to ask questions of your professor as well as to other students who are in your course of study.

Course Requirements

Although classes do not meet at a specific time and place, students are expected to “attend” to their course by log-in four times per week (on average), and meet assignment deadlines and requirements for interaction with instructor and course peers. Students progress through the course as a class and participate in an online community. The program is not independent study.

Our programs may be the most student-friendly courses offered by any university. Not only will you learn you will enjoy doing it!


Grand Canyon University is regionally accredited by the North Central Association (30 North LaSalle St. Suite 2400, Chicago, IL 60602-2504; 800-621-7440). Ken Blanchard College of Business, is nationally accredited by the Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs to offer: Bachelor of Science (BS) in Accounting, Business Administration, Marketing; Master of Business Administration (MBA).

The Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (One Dupont Circle NW, Suite 530, Washington, D.C. 20036; 202-887-6791) and the Arizona State Board of Nursing accredit the Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree program. The Arizona State Department of Education has given formal approval of the work done at the University for the certification of elementary and secondary teachers and for the renewal of certificates.