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In a bad economy nothing helps more than a college degree or a graduate degree. But getting a degree can be tens of thousands of dollars and more, and time consuming.
But there are some little known secrets in education to help you get a fully accredited (and that is crucial) degree relatively quickly.
Basically you can follow this guide for a US associate or bachelor degree which you should be able to get inside of one year.
For example you can test out of a bachelors degree at, or You can also write portfolios for outside the classroom learning. It is a detailed process but the colleges will help you.
There is a fully accredited South American University that gives credit for work experience and previous accredited education and learning done outside of a classroom.
Based on your previous experience, licenses, transferable credits, etc., you can apply and receive your degree in as little as three months if you qualify, at a current cost of under $3,000.00 in total tuition and fees. Those in need of additional credits can enroll in online accredited courses or arrange to take credit by exam to complete the necessary requirements. To learn more send an email the International Representative at
Thank you.
}?>There was an error in your submission:
Beat the Bad Economy By Getting Your College Degree in ONE YEAR or LESS." GET COLLEGE CREDIT FOR WHAT YOU ALREADY KNOW.