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How to Test Out

A good place to start out is at CLEP – the College Level Education Program. This is probably the best place for individuals who wish to get their college degree in the shortest time possible and at a cost effective manner. Considering the increasing cost of credits per hour awarded in colleges, CLEP is a very cheap option in such a time as this of global economic recession. The CLEP is designed to reduce the routine college experience from the usual four to two and in some unique cases – just one year.

This is an exam that allows students to harness knowledge that they already possess into valuable time saving credits. It works like clockwork! By preparing for the exam online by viewing CLEP resources, and sit for an exam in a field in which you have good knowledge base, the satisfactory CLEP score which indicates college proficiency, will be transferred to your college as you will be awarded credits.

Motivated students, who love studying and want to take a large financial burden off their College tuition, can decrease the duration of time in college by taking CLEP exams which may result in numerous class exemptions and credit transfers. A single CLEP exam may result into 3 – 6 college credit transfers!!

There are various CLEP exams like: Introductory Sociology, United States History, and Introductory Psychology CLEP exams among others.

Once you have prepared yourself adequately and are confident about passing, Take the test – either at a campus testing center or at a testing service such as Thomson Prometric and Sylvan Learning Centers

For those of you who feel like CLEP is not the way forward for you, you may be interested in looking at other recognized proficiency exams, like:

Recognized Proficiency Examinations