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Non-US Degrees

Non-US degrees and credits are viewed as equivalent to US degrees and credits if they are evaluated by the evaluation agencies that each school works with. Excelsior accepts evaluations from ECE only. COSC accepts evaluations from ECE or WES. TESC state that they accept evaluations from AACRAO but they are currently also doing in house evaluations.

It has been my personal experience as a foreign credential evaluator that ECE and WES are very “strict” when they evaluate non-US degrees. I have seen degrees from Australia and Canada knocked down to being equivalent to three years of US credits for reasons I do not understand. Therefore, it is my opinion (and it is only an opinion) that if you have credits or a degree from outside the US the best place to start is at Thomas Edison State College –TESC – In house evaluations tend to be looked at more carefully and also tend to be a bit more liberal. I have not heard any complaints about AACRAO evaluations. They seem to be very fair. Do not have an evaluation done by any other agency as they simply will not be accepted. Start with TESC and see how they evaluate your degree and discuss it with them to see what you need to get a TESC degree.