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Posts Tagged ‘earn a degree online’

Stepping up Network Security: Campus and Online Degree Programs

Tuesday, November 2nd, 2010

College students, especially those majoring in computer science and information technology, often enjoy demonstrating their computer skills. Unfortunately, one of the ways students in these degree programs enjoy showing their expertise is in hacking into university network systems and making their presence known. As a result, campus based and online universities are ramping up security.

Many computer experts also recommend a layered approach to network security. By using firewalls, routers, and VPNS, or virtual private networks, colleges and universities hope to minimize the dangers posed by unwanted attacks. Protection, of course, is made even more challenging because of the many devices used by students and professors to enter the university network system. Smart phones, laptops, PCs, and iPads are all potential sources of electronic attack.

Both students and professors, as well as university adminstrators, should scan their computer systems regularly and monitor for potential threats. The majority of students trying to earn a degree online search regularly on the Internet for resources and information for their university degree programs. Unfortunately, in the process of doing this, they may leave their computer systems open to attack by visiting unsecured or potentially malicious websites.

If you are a student trying to earn a college degree at a campus-based university or through an online degree program, schedule your computer for a daily virus check. Don’t open emails from unfamiliar senders, even if they look official. Report any suspicious emails that purport to originate from your university or professor immediately. If possible, use an email program that scans attachments before you open them. And always, always, keep your virus protection software up-to-date.