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Financial Aid Basics

Welcome to the Financial aid resources. Our staff has compiled a wealth of resources to help you discover ways to fund your education. This resource is intended for undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral learners for both online or campus based college and universities.

The overall financial aid process is different for each student, but some things hold true for just about everyone. First, even if you don’t think you will qualify apply anyway. There are many different variables that are involved in determining eligibility and just no way to know if you don’t even try.

Financial aid needs to be on the top of your to do list when deciding to attend college and whether this is your first time filing or just need to know how to get the ball rolling, the staff at are here to help you discover your way to invest in yourself with a college education! Finding money for college studies is not as confusing or complicated as one might think.

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) determines eligibility for Federal Student Aid programs as well as eligibility for many private grant/scholarship programs. Filing the FAFSA is essential even if you don’t think you will qualify for federal financial aid.

Filing out the FAFSA is Never a waste of time for any student.

The financial aid information resources start here so check out the sections that apply to your unique situation.

Also be sure to contact both your school’s admissions office, and your department to inquire about the availability of assistantships, tuition remission, scholarships, grants, and/or school-specific fellowships.

The US Department of Education states that more than 9 million students get grants or loans each year. with more than $83 billion this year alone. These are staggering numbers which tell us more or less that a good fraction of the American student population require some form of financial aid to complete their further education, and that without this system set in place, the average American may not be able to finish college at all.

The need for financial aid in university education has especially achieved further significance amid such difficult times. With the US economy facing a tough recession and the job market suffering serious cutbacks, the need for education, and more importantly, the financial means of comfortably acquiring it gains greater importance.

As such, many colleges, universities, and trade schools have financial aid counselors that can guide you through the process of finding the financing that fits your situation.
Having been a student myself it is always good to know your options and learn what is available and how to apply for it personally, so before you start applying for any old financial aid package available, do some research and get to know your options well so that you are better equipped to choose the financial packages that will address your financing needs.